
Price List

Time ticket price list

Tickets are available at all ski stations Zieleniec

High season

20.12.2024 – 09.03.2025

Hourly cards Normal Reduced
2 hours 100 zł 90 zł
4 hours 130 zł 115 zł
5 hours 135 zł 120 zł
7 hours 150 zł 130 zł
4 hours after 16:00 100 zł 90 zł
Daily cards Normal Reduced
2 days 9:00 – 20:00 290 zł 255 zł
3 days 9:00 – 20:00 410 zł 345 zł
4 days 9:00 – 20:00 525 zł 440 zł
5 days 9:00 – 20:00 645 zł 540 zł
6 days 9:00 – 20:00 715 zł 610 zł
6 any days 9:00 – 20:00 860 zł 730 zł

Low season

To 19.12.2024 or from 10.03.2025

Hourly cards Normal Reduced
2 hours (Sat. – Sun.) 90 zł 80 zł
4 hours (Sat. – Sun.) 115 zł 105 zł
7 hours (Sat. – Sun.) 125 zł 110 zł
4 hours after 16:00 (Fri. – Sun.) 90 zł 80 zł
2 hours (Mon. – Fri.) 70 zł 65 zł
4 hours (Mon. – Fri.) 95 zł 85 zł
7 hours (Mon. – Fri.) 105 zł 90 zł
Daily cards Normal Reduced
2 days 200 zł 170 zł
3 days 295 zł 250 zł
4 days 380 zł 325 zł
5 days 465 zł 395 zł
6 days 540 zł 460 zł

High season

20.12.2024 – 09.03.2025

Hourly cards Normal Reduced
2 hours 100 zł 90 zł
4 hours 130 zł 115 zł
5 hours 135 zł 120 zł
7 hours 150 zł 130 zł
4 hours after 16:00 100 zł 90 zł
Daily cards Normal Reduced
2 days 9:00 – 20:00 290 zł 255 zł
3 days 9:00 – 20:00 410 zł 345 zł
4 days 9:00 – 20:00 525 zł 440 zł
5 days 9:00 – 20:00 645 zł 540 zł
6 days 9:00 – 20:00 715 zł 610 zł
6 any days 9:00 – 20:00 860 zł 730 zł

Low season

To 19.12.2024 or from 10.03.2025

Hourly cards Normal Reduced
2 hours (Sat. – Sun.) 90 zł 80 zł
4 hours (Sat. – Sun.) 115 zł 105 zł
7 hours (Sat. – Sun.) 125 zł 110 zł
4 hours after 16:00 (Fri. – Sun.) 90 zł 80 zł
2 hours (Mon. – Fri.) 70 zł 65 zł
4 hours (Mon. – Fri.) 95 zł 85 zł
7 hours (Mon. – Fri.) 105 zł 90 zł
Daily cards Normal Reduced
2 days 200 zł 170 zł
3 days 295 zł 250 zł
4 days 380 zł 325 zł
5 days 465 zł 395 zł
6 days 540 zł 460 zł



1 POINT 7 zł
30 POINT 80 zł
100 POINT 245 zł
200 POINT 445 zł
G10 – KOLEJ Grapa 4 OS. 7 pt
B1 – Bartuś I 3 pt
B2 – Bartuś II 3 pt
BT – Bartuś Taśma 3 pt
D1 – Diament I 4 pt
D2 – Diament II 3 pt
G2 – Śnieżka 3 pt
G3 – Kaja 4 pt
G4 – Irenka 3 pt
M2 – Mieszko 1 4 pt
M3 – Mieszko 2 4 pt
M4 – Mieszko S1 3 pt
M5 – Mieszko S2 1 pt
N1 – Transit Masarykova 1 pt
N3 – Patyczak I 3 pt
N4 – Patyczak II 2 pt
N5 – Transit Winterpol – Nartorama 3 pt
N7 – Puchatek 1 pt
N10A – Antek I 2 pt
N10B – Antek II 2 pt
NT – Taśma 2 pt
W4 – Winterpol 4ka 5 pt
W6 – Winterpol 6ka 5 pt
WT1 – Winterpol Taśma mała 2 pt
WT2 – Winterpol Taśma duża 3 pt
1 POINT 7 zł
30 POINT 80 zł
100 POINT 245 zł
200 POINT 445 zł
G10 – KOLEJ Grapa 4 OS. 7 pt
B1 – Bartuś I 3 pt
B2 – Bartuś II 3 pt
BT – Bartuś Taśma 3 pt
D1 – Diament I 4 pt
D2 – Diament II 3 pt
G2 – Śnieżka 3 pt
G3 – Kaja 4 pt
G4 – Irenka 3 pt
M2 – Mieszko 1 4 pt
M3 – Mieszko 2 4 pt
M4 – Mieszko S1 3 pt
M5 – Mieszko S2 1 pt
N1 – Transit Masarykova 1 pt
N3 – Patyczak I 3 pt
N4 – Patyczak II 2 pt
N5 – Transit Winterpol – Nartorama 3 pt
N7 – Puchatek 1 pt
N10A – Antek I 2 pt
N10B – Antek II 2 pt
NT – Taśma 2 pt
W4 – Winterpol 4ka 5 pt
W6 – Winterpol 6ka 5 pt
WT1 – Winterpol Taśma mała 2 pt
WT2 – Winterpol Taśma duża 3 pt


  1. SKI-PASS Zieleniec can be purchased at all ticket offices of the Ski Resort Zieleniec Sport Arena and via the online platform, at ticket machines in the resort. Hourly and day passes and point value cards entitle to the make use of all individual chairlifts, T-bars and conveyor belts at Zieleniec Sport Arena.
  2. SKI-PASSES are active during the opening hours of individual chairlifts, T-bars and conveyor belts. Operating hours may vary or undergo changes during the season.
  3. Night skiing is taking place only on illuminated slopes. On 31 December 2024 (New Year’s Eve) all passes from the price list are valid until 21:00. If you want to avail of the “Sylwester na Stoku” (“New Year’s Eve on the Slope”) offer, you should purchase a separate, promotional pass (19:00 – 01:00).
  4. Purchasing or possession of an hourly pass or points value card does not authorize to run courses such as skiing or snowboarding trainings conducted for commercial purposes. Conducting skiing or snowboarding training courses is possible only upon the consent of the owner of the respective ski slope.
  5. Entities or third parties are prohibited to conduct any business and service provision activity, both for a fee and free of charge, including for profit or commercial purposes within the area of the Resort, which includes a prohibition to place advertisements and leaflets, unless the entity obtains a prior written consent (under pain of nullity) from the manager of a given Resort.
  6. Purchase of an hourly pass, day pass or a points value card is tantamount to having become acquainted with and accepting these Regulations and other regulations applicable to individual lifts and slopes of Zieleniec Sport Arena.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to remain on the ski slopes between the hours of 21:00 and 09:00. During this time the slopes are being snow groomed (including rope tow maintenance) which poses a threat to the safety of people on the slope. An exception to this provision is 31 December 2024 – New Year’s Eve.
  8. The administrator of the ski slope shall not be held liable for the violation by the SKI-PASS user of Art. 28, 29, 30, 31 of the Act on the safety and rescue in the mountains and organized ski areas of 18 August 2011 (Journal of Laws No. 208, item 1241, as amended), in particular for the resultant injuries related to typical sporting risks, injuries caused by falls, collisions between participants and collisions with elements securing the route.
  9. In order to fulfill the obligation arising from the wording of Art. 106b, sec. 5 of the Act of 11 March 2004 on tax on goods and services, if the customer wishes to receive a VAT invoice documenting the purchase of the pass, they are required to report this fact prior to making the purchase at the ticket office. Sales receipts with no customer’s tax identification number will not allow to issue VAT invoices on their basis.
  10. Violation of any of the provisions of these Regulations, in particular §1 section 4 and 5 may be the basis for depriving the user of the ski slope of the right to further use the infrastructure of Zieleniec Sport Arena.
  11. In the event of any limitations in the supply of electricity beyond the control of Zieleniec Sport Arena or an increase in the costs of purchasing electricity by the ski resort, we reserve the right to increase the prices of ski passes accordingly.



  1. Upon the purchase of an hourly SKI-PASS or a points value card, a refundable deposit for the magnetic card will be charged in the amount of PLN 10.00 payable in cash. In the event the magnetic card is returned in the form of a letter sent via postal services, when making the non-cash refund to a bank account number indicated by the SKI-PASS user the previously collected refundable deposit in the amount of PLN 10.00 will be reduced by a one-off handling fee in the amount of PLN 5.00.
  2. When purchasing a temporary or point SKI-PASS in the form of a non-returnable paper card, a one-time, non-returnable paper card fee of PLN 3.00 will be added to the purchase price of the SKI-PASS.
  3. An hourly and single-day SKI-PASS entitles to its use for the period agreed upon its purchase.
  4. An hourly and single-day SKI-PASS can be used by only one person (the person who first uses the given SKI-PASS at the gate will be personalized).
  5. Using a SKI-PASS is tantamount to acceptance of the recording and use of the pass user’s image for verification purposes in accordance with Art. 6, sec. 1, lit. f) of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 (Official Journal EU L 119 of 04.05.2016). Each time a person passes through the gate – for the validity period of the entitlements on the pass – the system takes photos of the pass users comparing them with the images of the users who have activated the SKI-PASS while passing through the gate for the first time.
  6. If the SKI-PASS is presented by a person who has not purchased the SKI-PASS and has not been personalized, the presented SKI-PASS will be blocked by means of temporary suspension of the possibility to use the service provided based on the pass. Unblocking the suspension of the SKI-PASS is subject to a fee of PLN 50.00 payable at the main ticket offices: Bartuś, Mieszko, Nartorama, Winterpol.
  7. Points value cards are valid till the end of the winter season. The number of units deducted for chairlift or T-bar rides are according to the price list or information displayed at the gate. Unused units are nonrefundable.



  1. Reduced prices or group discounts are possible only in case of purchase of hourly and single-day SKI-PASSES.
  2. *Reduced-rate SKI-PASSES are available to children under the age of 10, senior citizens aged 65 and older and people with an ID confirming a disability.
  3. Children up to the age of 5 are entitled to free rides only with a guardian availing of a SKI-PASS (regular or discounted for senior citizens). The offer applies only to chairlifts. T-bars and conveyor belts are excluded from the offer. The offer does not apply to classes with a ski or snowboard instructor.
  4. We offer discounts for organized groups (of at least 22) for hourly (4h, 5h, 7h, 16:00-21:00 and 18:00-21:00) and day passes (from 1 to 6 days 09:00 – 21:00) after a prior email contact via skipass@zieleniec.pl
    – Groups of 22-35 persons – 10% discount + 2 SKI-PASSES for the minders for the price of PLN 1
    – Groups of 36-60 persons – 15% discount + 1 SKI-PASS per every 10 persons for the minder for the price of PLN 1
    – Groups of 61-80 persons – 20% discount + 1 SKI-PASS per every 10 persons for the minder for the price of PLN 1
    – PLN Groups over 81 persons – 25% discount +1 SKI-PASS per every 10 persons for the minder for the price of PLN 1
  5. Group SKI-PASSES are valid on the date of issue or from the date of issue in case of day passes.
  6. In the event a discount is obtained, e.g. in authorized hotels, it shall not be cumulative with other discounts.
  7. The low season is valid from the beginning of the season until 19.12.2024 and from 10.03.2025
  8. Attractive discounts have been provided for users who decide to purchase multiple-day passes, from 2 to 6 days, as per the Regulations and the Zieleniec SKI-PASS price list. The base price is the price for a 1-day pass 9:00 – 21:00.



  1. Forcing an entry with the SKI-PASS without the right to do so shall result in the loss of the possibility to further use the chairlifts, T-bars and conveyor belts.
  2. After the SKI-PASS has been issued, it is not possible to change, extend or postpone its validity period.
  3. The deposit for the magnetic card can be recovered at all ticket offices and machines.
  4. In the event of a loss or visible mechanical damage to the magnetic card, the deposit shall not be refunded.
  5. Bad weather and skiing conditions, busy slopes, chairlifts, T-bars and conveyor belts and unavailability of some chairlifts, T-bars and conveyor belts shall not constitute the grounds for a refund for the hourly pass or points value card.
  6. Refund for unused time of a given SKI-PASS is granted under the terms and conditions specified in the Complaints and Refunds Regulations at the Ski Resort Zieleniec Sport Arena in proportion to the time used based on the fiscal receipt at the ticket office where the SKI-PASS has been purchased. The refund can be made until the end of a given skiing season and is possible in the following situations:
    – downtime of all chairlifts, T-bars and conveyor belts lasting for more than 1 hour,
    – accident preventing from further use of chairlifts, T-bars and conveyor belts based on the Mountain Rescue Service accident report.
  7. User’s withdrawal of their consent to the administration of the necessary personal data in a manner that would prevent the Ski Resort Zieleniec Sport Arena from the standard provision of services is tantamount to termination of the contract through the sole fault of the user.



  1. Joint controllers of your personal data within the meaning of Art. 26 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC are:
    a) “WINTERPOL” Sp. z o.o., Zieleniec 72a, 57-340 Duszniki-Zdrój, NIP: 8830002908
    b) PHU Arkadiusz Popowicz, Wilkanów 135, 57-500 Bystrzyca Kłodzka, NIP 881-110-87-84
    c) Wyciągi Kamyczek Sp. j. Zieleniec 134, 57-340 Duszniki Zdrój, NIP 8831872847
    d) Bartuś s.c. J.R.B. Wilczyńscy Zieleniec 65, 57-340 Duszniki-Zdrój, Nip: 883-186-09-91
    e) Gryglówka Sp. z o.o. Zieleniec 67, 57-340 Duszniki Zdrój, NIP 8831869733
    f) Nartorama Sp. z o.o. Zieleniec 136, 57-340 Duszniki Zdrój, NIP: 8811001204
    g) CEZBUD Cezariusz Hekiert, Zieleniec 136, 57-340 Duszniki Zdrój, NIP: 881-135-26-71
    h) MCM sp. z o.o. sp.k, Zieleniec 136, 57-340 Duszniki Zdrój, NIP: 883-18-63-920
    i) GRAPA G10 Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., ul. Szarotki 10/4, 71-604 Szczecin, NIP 851-32-11-344
  2. The buyer of the SKI-PASS consents to the processing of their personal data as per the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000, as amended) and implementing acts for the purpose and in connection with the use of the SKI-PASS and for the period of its validity, also in cases and for the period that prevents further use of the SKI-PASS.
  3. The image of the pass user is used for verification purposes and to personalize the pass.
  4. The basis for processing is the controller’s legitimate interest as per Art. 6, sec. 1, letter f) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000, as amended.)
  5. Entities participating in the provision of the Zieleniec SKI-PASS service will be the recipients of your personal data.
  6. The image from the pass is stored for the duration of the pass validity period.
  7. The person registered by the personalization system has the right to access its personal data and limit its processing.
  8. The data subject is entitled to the right to access their personal data, rectify the data, delete it from our database, limit its processing, object to data processing and to data transfer, lodge a complaint to a supervisory body, withdraw the consent to the processing of personal data. It is not possible to exercise the right to delete personal data in the event the Controller is obliged, under the provisions of law, to further processing of personal data to the extent specified by the relevant provisions of law for the purposes necessary to establish, assert or defend claims.
  9. Scope of the data processed in the personal data filing system: image.
  10. Provision of personal data is the condition for the conclusion of the contract. Refusal to provide the personal data necessary for this purpose will prevent the conclusion of the contract and issuance of the SKI-PASS to the user.
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