
Ski trails

Zieleniec Sport Arena is the capital of alpine skiing in the Kłodzko region. This is mainly due to 23 kilometres of beautifully situated and picturesque ski slopes, varying in length and, in particular, in the level of proficiency. The more demanding skiers and snowboarders will love it – the longest trail in Zieleniec is 2800 meters long; there is also a black trail called “Na krechę” (Straight down the slope), but also families who want to try skiing, or just spend their free time in a nice and active way in the open air will find something for themselves. It is also worth mentioning that most of the ski trails in Zieleniec Sport Arena (22 trails to be precise!) have artificial lighting, so that you can ski on our slopes until 20:00.Zieleniec Sport Arena is the capital of alpine skiing in the Kłodzko region. This is mainly due to 23 kilometres of beautifully situated and picturesque ski slopes, varying in length and, in particular, in the level of proficiency. The more demanding skiers and snowboarders will love it – the longest trail in Zieleniec is 2800 meters long; there is also a black trail called “Na krechę” (Straight down the slope), but also families who want to try skiing, or just spend their free time in a nice and active way in the open air will find something for themselves. It is also worth mentioning that most of the ski trails in Zieleniec Sport Arena (22 trails to be precise!) have artificial lighting, so that you can ski on our slopes until 21:00.Zieleniec Sport Arena is the capital of alpine skiing in the Kłodzko region. This is mainly due to 23 kilometres of beautifully situated and picturesque ski slopes, varying in length and, in particular, in the level of proficiency. The more demanding skiers and snowboarders will love it – the longest trail in Zieleniec is 2800 meters long; there is also a black trail called “Na krechę” (Straight down the slope), but also families who want to try skiing, or just spend their free time in a nice and active way in the open air will find something for themselves. It is also worth mentioning that most of the ski trails in Zieleniec Sport Arena (22 trails to be precise!) have artificial lighting, so that you can ski on our slopes until 20:00.Zieleniec Sport Arena is the capital of alpine skiing in the Kłodzko region. This is mainly due to 23 kilometres of beautifully situated and picturesque ski slopes, varying in length and, in particular, in the level of proficiency. The more demanding skiers and snowboarders will love it – the longest trail in Zieleniec is 2800 meters long; there is also a black trail called “Na krechę” (Straight down the slope), but also families who want to try skiing, or just spend their free time in a nice and active way in the open air will find something for themselves. It is also worth mentioning that most of the ski trails in Zieleniec Sport Arena (22 trails to be precise!) have artificial lighting, so that you can ski on our slopes until 21:00.

Poznaj nasze trasy:


Pokrywa śnieżna

Min. 30 cm

Max. 80 cm



Koleje i wyciągi




OśrodekWyciągTyp wyciąguOznaczenieDługośćNazwa trasyDługość trasyPokrywa śnieżnaPoziom trudności
BARTUŚBartuś 1TalerzykB1147 mB1 Ośla łączka200 m40 - 70 cm
Bartuś 2TalerzykB2148 mB2 Prawa200 m40 - 70 cm
Taśma BartuśTaśmaBT124 mBT Prawa140 m40 - 70 cm
CEZBUDTaśma CezbudTaśmaNT50 mNT80 m30 - 35 cm
DIAMENTDiament 1TalerzykD1287 mD1 Prawa400 m50 - 70 cm
Diament 2TalerzykD2229 mD2 Lewa310 m40 - 60 cm
Diament 3Kanapa 4 osobowaD3400 mD3 Lewa550 m45 - 80 cm
D3 Prawa550 m45 - 80 cm
GRAPADziesiątkaKanapa 4 osobowaG10570 mG10 Lewa600 m35 - 50 cm
G10 Prawa650 m35 - 50 cm
GRYGLÓWKAGryglówkaKanapa 4 osobowaG1597 mG1 Lewa600 m50 - 70 cm
G1 Prawa 2850 m30 - 35 cm
G1 Prawa 31100 m45 - 80 cm
G1 Prawa650 m50 - 70 cm
SnieżkaTalerzykG2219 mG2 Prawa280 m50 - 70 cm
KajaTalerzykG3459 mG3 Prawa460 m50 - 70 cm
IrenkaTalerzykG4222 mG4 Prawa300 m30 - 35 cm
MCMAntek ITalerzykN10A110 mN10A140 m40 - 60 cm
Antek IITalerzykN10B88 mN10B100 m40 - 60 cm
MIESZKOMieszko CzerwonaKanapa 4 osobowaM1494 mM1 Lewa520 m40 - 70 cm
M1 Prawa 2700 m40 - 70 cm
M1 Prawa620 m50 - 70 cm
Mieszko IITalerzykM2342 mM2 Prawa450 m40 - 70 cm
Mieszko ITalerzykM3262 mM3 Lewa400 m40 - 60 cm
Mieszko S1TalerzykM4142 mM4 Lewa220 m30 - 35 cm
Mieszko S2TalerzykM567 mM5 Prawa100 m30 - 35 cm
NARTORAMATransit MasarykowaTalerzykN1147 mTransit Masarykowa147 m40 - 70 cm
Skyway ExpressKanapa 6 osobowa + gondolaN2780 mAlpina950 m40 - 70 cm
Na krechę810 m30 - 35 cm
Serpentina1000 m40 - 70 cm
Spacerowa2800 m35 - 45 cm
Z Masarykowej2050 m40 - 70 cm
Patyczak 1TalerzykN3215 mN3 Lewa240 m40 - 70 cm
Patyczak 2TalerzykN4147 mN4 Prawa170 m40 - 70 cm
Transit Nart.- Wint.TalerzykN5140 mN5480 m35 - 45 cm
PuchatekTaśmaN780 mN7 Lewa120 m40 - 60 cm
WINTERPOL Sp. z o.o.Winterpol Pomarańczowa TrójkaKanapa 6 osobowaW3638 mW3 Lewa800 m35 - 45 cm
W3 Prawa 2850 m45 - 80 cm
W3 Prawa750 m50 - 70 cm
CzwórkaTalerzykW4411 mW4 Lewa500 m50 - 70 cm
W4 Prawa410 m40 - 60 cm
PiątkaKanapa 4 osobowaW5727 mW5 Lewa1200 m40 - 60 cm
W5 Prawa900 m30 - 50 cm
SzóstkaOrczykW6524 mW6 Lewa550 m30 - 35 cm
W6 Prawa570 m35 - 45 cm
Taśma małaTaśmaWT150 mWT150 m40 - 70 cm
Taśma dużaTaśmaWT2100 mWT2120 m40 - 70 cm